Product Studio: New Google AI Tool for Merchants

Picture of Andrey Kisselev

Andrey Kisselev

The new Google AI Product Studio tool will simplify product image transformation for many SMB merchants. Getting brand-ready content is expensive and time-consuming. Meanwhile, products with more than one image, are getting significantly more views and clicks.
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The new Google AI Product Studio tool will simplify product image transformation for many SMB merchants.

Getting brand-ready content is expensive and time-consuming.
Meanwhile, products with more than one image, are getting significantly more views and clicks.

Increase in views and clicks for products with more than one image. Source: Google April 2023

With the new Product Studio tool, merchants will be able to manipulate product photos via Google AI in a handful of new ways:
Custom Product Scenes
With this feature, a product can be uploaded without a background, and AI will do the rest.

Image background generation example in Product Studio

With a few prompts, backgrounds can be added to the product to make it more eye-catching.
Removal of backgrounds
The generative AI can remove the content within Product Studio without ever leaving Google. Product Studio can also flip it and reverse it.
Increased resolution
If your assets are of low quality, Product Studio can help you with that, too.
Using generative AI models, merchants can create cleaner, crisper creative from lower-resolution images.

Product Studio can increase resoluton of low quality images

Creative is a huge pain point for many SMBs  This technology should be a massive win in both time-savings and volume for advertisers that love testing creative.
According to Google, Product Studio will be available in English in the U.S. later in 2023 through Google Merchant Center Next, and Shopify.

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