ChatGPT-like AI Integration into Search Ads

Picture of Andrey Kisselev

Andrey Kisselev

Google is bringing ChatGPT - like AI integration into Google Search Ads. Conversational experience promises to jumpstart campaign creation. Simply add a preferred landing page from your website and Google AI will summarize the page. Then, it will generate relevant and effective keywords, headlines, descriptions, images and other assets for your campaign. Google Ads will ask you questions and you can answer them so the AI can fine-tune the ad. You can, at any time, edit the ad and modify it, before you decide to publish the ads. As you go along, You can continue to prompt it to generate alternative ads as well. Now, you can chat your way into better performance - ask Google AI for ideas, just like you might ask a colleague. ‍
What's in this article?

Google is bringing ChatGPT – like AI integration into Google Search Ads.

Google is bringing ChatGPT – like AI integration into Google Search Ads. Conversational experience promises to jumpstart campaign creation.
Simply add a preferred landing page from your website and Google AI will summarize the page.
Then, it will generate relevant and effective keywords, headlines, descriptions, images and other assets for your campaign.
Google Ads will ask you questions and you can answer them so the AI can fine-tune the ad.
You can, at any time, edit the ad and modify it, before you decide to publish the ads.
As you go along, You can continue to prompt it to generate alternative ads as well.
Now, you can chat your way into better performance – ask Google AI for ideas, just like you might ask a colleague.

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