Performance Max questions answered by Google

Optmyzr recently streamed a 60-min video call with Performance Max product managers from Google. In it, Google answered the most pressing Performance Max questions from the community and mentioned some upcoming features.

How to Remove Products From Free Listings

As much as we like free advertising, sometimes we need to remove products from Google’s free listings. Today we cover the why, how, and how to confirm product removal from free listings.

Google Ads Conversion Tracking on Magento 2 | Tutorial

Today, we will configure a direct Google Ads revenue conversion tracking on Magento 2.3.1 Community Edition with the help of Google Tag Manager, and without using any plugins or importing transactions from Analytics.

How to hire a Google shopping specialist

This article compares the benefits of hiring a Google Shopping freelancer versus an agency and explores two effective methods for finding the right specialist.

Running effective Google display campaigns for lead generation

Google Display Ads can help generate leads. Here is an overview of 8 Display Ads tips for effective lead generation. Traditionally, Google Display Network is used for brand awareness and brand recognition, and so your ads will be seen by people who browse internet, watching YouTube or checking email. But it is possible to […]

The Free Google Product Listings Overview

Today we’ll talk about free product listings. With free product listings, your products can be shown on Google without you paying for clicks. What a novel concept: showing organic search results for free 🙂