How to view Google’s free listings revenue

A simple guide on how to use Google Analytics 4 to view revenue associated with Google's free listings.

What's in this article

Free listings are organic shopping ads provided by Google. Their data can be viewed in the Merchant Center, with the exception of revenue.

The following instructions will guide you on how to view the revenue generated by Google’s free listings using Google Analytics 4.

Video Tutorial

If you prefer video content, watch this short video guide from my YouTube channel.

The free listing statistics visible in the Google Merchant Center

In Google Analytics 4, Click on Reports, Traffic acquisition.

Click on the blue plus sign in the table, type “campaign”, and select Session Campaign.

Then, type “free” in the search bar and hit Enter.

Free listings revenue visible in Google Analytics 4

The free listing traffic in your account, a campaign Shopping Free Listings will appear in the report, with data that includes conversions and revenue.

That’s it , folks. If you know any other way ot viewing the free listings revenue, please let me know.

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